Home - the english side of the template
The following information concerns a test web that may be offered for download on this page.
It is expressly not permitted to upload this test web to your own Internet server that is accessible on the web.
This test web is exclusively released for test use on a locally installed offline server.
CMS Password: test
Change under Settings → Language File:
SITE ¦ Page title in browser display
META ¦ Keywords, Description
TEMPLATE ¦ Text1, Text2
To change under Settings → Configuration:
META ¦ Autor
URL customize: http://musterweb.de/?sitemapper_index
Maintenance_XH - Plugin
Configuration: URL ¦ Single-Redirects - possibly enter path to own single site maintenance mode page
In the folder \plugins\maintenance\html\ are the default pages for the whole maintenance mode (maintenance.html) and for the single page maintenance mode (maintenance_single.html). The mailto links contained therein must be adapted:
maintenance_single.html - Zeile 83:
<p>Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment. The page will be back online shortly!<br>If you need to you can always <a href="mailto:webmaster@musterweb.de">contact us</a>.<br>Entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten, aber wir führen im Moment einige Wartungsarbeiten durch. Die Seite wird in Kürze wieder online sein!<br>Wenn Sie es brauchen, können Sie jederzeit <a href="mailto:webmaster@musterweb.de">Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen.</p>
maintenance.html - Zeile 83:
<p>Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment. We will be back online shortly!<br>If you need to you can always <a href="mailto:webmaster@musterweb.de">contact us</a>.<br>Entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten, aber wir führen im Moment einige Wartungsarbeiten durch. Wir werden in Kürze wieder online sein!<br>Wenn Sie es wünschen, können Sie jederzeit <a href="mailto:webmaster@musterweb.de">Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen</a>.</p>
Privacy_XH - Plugin
Both the language file and the stylesheet file should be customized according to your own taste.
Register_XH - Pligin
ALLOWED ¦ Register (enable / disable automatic registration)
SENDEREMAIL ¦ Sender email (best to enter the webmaster)
In the group administration possibly create other / new groups, in the user administration possibly create new users.
CrazyStat_XH - Plugin
Username: admin
Password: test
The configuration must be completely rebuilt. Possibly delete the plugin first and then reinstall it.
By the way: do not put the test web online without really having checked all and every setting option!
I created the web by downloading my running web and then deleting it, which didn't seem necessary.
So there could still be a lot of ballast in it!
Slideshowbilder von http://cmsimple.lembach-kr.de/